When It Rains, It Pours.

Sorry for the wait, but not much has been new. I’ve been busy wrapping up the end of the school year, planning some projects for next year, and preparing for my summer projects. I’ve been seeking balance, trying not to get too tired or too bored. However, as I sought moderation, I feel like last week more clearly reflected “when it rains, it pours,” rather that my efforts to achieve a middle ground:

I planned a weekend trip to visit my training host family in Tumbaco and go in for a 1-day medical trip to Quito. The doctors just wanted to take a look at me, and I thought I would be back on a bus to Riobamba by noon. Not accurate. One day became three. When it rains, it pours.

Also, because I was out of touch for a few days, when I finally got back to the internet, my family was all:

When it rains, it pours.

Also, dear family, do you know what cures any Peace Corps illness? Care Packages, of course. 🙂 Check out my updated wish list.

Speaking of care packages, I went to the post office when I got home, hoping to find at least my Time magazine. Over the last few weeks, I haven’t received any mail, but I’ve been long-awaiting several packages. I’ve been going to the post office at least every couple of days, just like:

It’s been a little sad, but on Thursday, well, I was delighted to see two little slips in my box that indicate a package. Seriously, the joy that those little slips inspire is indescribable. So I went to the front counter to claim my packages,

and during the pretty much mandatory wait time of 25 minutes, as I watched the woman behind the counter stack up several envelops from the US, I started to speculate that I had more than two packages:

But it’s always better to be cautious,

Turns out my Time magazine was not there, BUT I did receive four packages (one that arrived in April, one that arrived in May, two that arrived in the beginning of June) and two letters (one that arrived in April, one that arrived in May). I have no idea why they decided to deliver my mail to me now, but either way,

When it rains, it pours….

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2 Responses to When It Rains, It Pours.

  1. Pats says:

    lol your wish list is hilarious. Also, that Ralph gif made me so sad. I would quite like to send you more luna bars, and sticky putty and tea, but I le can’t 😦 I am le poor 😦

    Did you get the shirt I sent?

  2. Not yet, that may be another case of “when it rains, it pours”– Oh, Ecua mail…
    Don’t worry, that’s why it’s a wish list… a girl can dream, right?

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